NUMBER 295 1932

Question. I am an attorney at law, practicing at the address below. In the opinion of the Committee would it be ethical for me to have business cards printed as follows:

A. B.



New York City


It is understood that any services I might render in the above capacity would be performed without holding myself out as an attorney, and that in the performance of the said services I would regard myself as bound by the ethics of the legal profession.

Answer. The Committee adheres to its opinion already expressed in answers in Opinions 114 and 179 that there is not any accepted standard of professional propriety condemning a lawyer for engaging in business while in active practice, and that he may, with propriety, advertise such business. Under the conditions stated in the question, the proposed advertisement, in its opinion, is not objectionable. (See also Committee’s answer in Opinion.

The following is an extract from the answer in Opinion 179 referring to its answer in Opinion 114:


In that answer the Committee has expressed its opinion, to which it adheres, that there is not in this country any accepted standard of professional propriety which warrants condemnation of a lawyer for engaging in business while in active practice; but that if he does so he must conduct his business with due observance of the standards of conduct required of him as a lawyer; that the business must not be inconsistent with his duties as a member of the legal profession; and that it is improper either to make the business a means for the solicitation of professional employment, or to put the solicitation of business upon the ground that he is a lawyer.