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Since its inception, NYCLA has been at the forefront of most legal debates in the country. We have provided legal education for more than 40 years.
The New York State Constitution was amended in 2014 to change the process and rules governing the drawing of district lines for the NYS legislature and NY’s congressional districts. The post 2020 census redistricting was the first test for the new plan – yet issues and problems with NYS’ electoral system remain.
Our panelists will discuss such issues as:
Election Law Reform
Election Administration
Program Co-sponsors: NYCLA’s Justice Center and New York Census and Redistricting Institute and Center for New York City Law, New York Law School
Program Chairs: Jeffrey M. Wice, Adjunct Professor and Senior Fellow, New York Census and Redistricting Institute/New York Law School; Special Counsel, New York City Districting Commission and Hon. Joan Madden (Ret.), JAMS Mediator and Arbitrator, NYCLA’s Justice Center
Moderator: Jeffrey M. Wice, New York Census and Redistricting Institute/New York Law School
Faculty: Richard Briffault, Joseph P. Chamberlain Professor of Legislation, Columbia Law School; Dr. John Flateau, Member, NYS Independent Redistricting Commission, Former Executive Director, NYC Districting Commission; David Imamura, Westchester County Legislator, former Chair, NYS Independent Redistricting Commission; Fulvia Vargas-De Leon, Latino Justice
2 NY Credits: 2 PP; Transitional and Non-transitional; 2 NJ Credits: 2 General
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For technical and account-related issues, please get in touch with us at dradjabov@nycla.org
Webinar Link: After completing the checkout, you will receive a separate email with webinar access instructions. That email will arrive closer to the program start time. If you are still waiting to receive an access email 30 minutes before the program, please email cle@nycla.org.
Course Materials: We will email the link to download course materials 30 minutes before the program starts.
CLE Certificates (if applicable): After verifying your attendance, we will add your certificate to the “Download CLE Certificates” page, which you can access from your “My Account” page.