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Since its inception, NYCLA has been at the forefront of most legal debates in the country. We have provided legal education for more than 40 years.
Rudolph Giuliani, Kenneth Chesebro, Sidney Powell, L. Lin Wood, Kenneth Kubrowski and a number of other attorneys who sought to overturn the 2020 Presidential Election are now confronted with potential professional discipline for making false out of court statements.
Were such statements protected by the First and Fourteenth Amendments? Are there exceptions to the constitutional rights of lawyers to make such statements even if false?
What are the implications of such efforts to discipline practicing lawyers for allegedly false or derogatory statements made publicly, on-line or in their offices?
How does recently enacted Rule 8.4 (g) address these concerns?
Join us as a distinguished panel of scholars and practitioners address these and related issues.
Indeed, their answers may be surprising!
Program Co-sponsor: NYCLA’s Committee on Professionalism and Professional Discipline
Program Chairs: Ronald Minkoff and Philip Schaeffer, Co-chairs, NYCLA’s Committee on Professionalism and Professional Discipline
Faculty: Prof. Bruce Green, Director, Louis Stein Center for Law and Ethics, Fordham University School of Law; Ronald C. Minkoff, Chair, Professional Responsibility Group, Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz, P.C.; John Montgomery, Ropes & Gray, Board Member of Lawyers Defending American Democracy; Prof. Rebecca Roiphe, Joseph Solomon Distinguished Professor of Law, New York Law School.
Moderator: William Hodes, Professor Emeritus (Retired), Indiana University School of Law, Author, “The Law of Lawyering” Â
All Programs include 1 Affirmation and 1 Evaluation Form, and Course Materials.
To receive CLE credit for a program in Online Video Format:
Online Videos contain CLE codes that you must type into a supplied online affirmation form. Submit the online affirmation to the NYCLA CLE Institute to be issued a CLE certificate. We recommend that you watch the video as soon as possible.
We can only issue CLE credit if the law is still current.
Course Materials: You can download course materials on the Online Video webpage.